Solving Blazor WebAssembly Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)
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Solving Blazor WebAssembly Error: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error after publishing your Blazor WebAssembly application? You’re not alone! This error can be a showstopper, but don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

What causes this error?

The error typically occurs when the JavaScript runtime attempts to read the ‘out’ property from an undefined object. This can happen due to various reasons, such as:

  • Incorrectly configured or missing JavaScript files
  • Invalid or corrupted WebAssembly modules
  • Incompatible or outdated dependencies
  • Misconfigured environment or build settings

Step-by-Step Solution

Don’t panic! Follow these steps to resolve the issue and get your Blazor WebAssembly app up and running:

Step 1: Verify JavaScript Files

Ensure that the required JavaScript files are present and correctly configured in your project:

  1. Check if the ‘_framework’ folder is present in your project directory.
  2. Verify that the ‘blazor.webassembly.js’ file is present inside the ‘_framework’ folder.
  3. Make sure the ‘blazor.boot.json’ file is correctly configured and points to the correct WebAssembly module.
// Sample blazor.boot.json file
  "assemblyName": "MyBlazorApp",
  "moduleName": "MyBlazorApp.dll",
  "launchUrl": "/"

Step 2: Validate WebAssembly Modules

Ensure that your WebAssembly modules are correctly built and not corrupted:

  1. Verify that the ‘.wasm’ files are present in the ‘_framework’ folder.
  2. Check the timestamp of the ‘.wasm’ files to ensure they are up-to-date.
  3. Try re-building your WebAssembly modules by running the following command:
dotnet publish -c Release

Step 3: Update Dependencies

Ensure that your dependencies are compatible and up-to-date:

  1. Verify that you are using the latest version of the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly NuGet package.
  2. Check for any other outdated or incompatible dependencies in your project.
  3. Update your dependencies by running the following command:
dotnet restore

Step 4: Configure Environment and Build Settings

Verify that your environment and build settings are correctly configured:

  1. Check your `csproj` file for any incorrect or outdated settings.
  2. Verify that the `false` setting is present and set to `false`.
  3. Ensure that the `true` setting is present and set to `true`.
// Sample csproj file
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web">

Troubleshooting Tips

If you’re still encountering issues, try the following troubleshooting tips:

Troubleshooting Tip Description
Clear cache and reload Clear your browser’s cache and reload the application to ensure that the latest changes are applied.
Check browser console Inspect the browser console for any error messages that may provide additional insights into the issue.
Verify WebAssembly module loading Use the browser’s developer tools to verify that the WebAssembly modules are correctly loaded and initialized.


The “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error can be frustrating, but by following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your Blazor WebAssembly application up and running.

Remember to double-check your JavaScript files, WebAssembly modules, dependencies, and environment settings to ensure that everything is correctly configured and up-to-date.

If you’re still encountering issues, don’t hesitate to seek help from the Blazor community or try debugging your application with more advanced tools and techniques.

Additional Resources

For more information and resources on Blazor WebAssembly, check out the following links:

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to resolve the “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error and get your Blazor WebAssembly application running smoothly.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with the infamous “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error after publishing your Blazor WebAssembly application?

What causes the “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error in Blazor WebAssembly?

This error typically occurs when the JavaScript code tries to access a property named “out” on an undefined object. In Blazor WebAssembly, this error can be caused by a misconfigured or missing Razor component, a broken JavaScript interop, or an issue with the application’s startup sequence.

How do I troubleshoot the “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error in Blazor WebAssembly?

To troubleshoot this error, start by reviewing your application’s startup sequence and JavaScript interop code. Check for any typos, missing imports, or incorrect component registrations. You can also use the browser’s developer tools to debug the JavaScript code and identify the exact line causing the error. Additionally, try deploying your application in a debug configuration to get more detailed error messages.

Is the “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error related to a specific Blazor WebAssembly version?

No, this error is not specific to a particular version of Blazor WebAssembly. It can occur in any version, although some versions might be more prone to this error due to changes in the JavaScript interop or runtime. If you’re experiencing this error, try updating to the latest version of Blazor WebAssembly to ensure you have the latest bug fixes and improvements.

Can I ignore the “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error and still deploy my Blazor WebAssembly application?

It’s not recommended to ignore this error, as it can cause unexpected behavior or crashes in your application. The error indicates a fundamental issue with your application’s functionality, and ignoring it might lead to more severe problems down the line. Instead, take the time to investigate and resolve the underlying cause to ensure a stable and reliable application.

Are there any workarounds or hotfixes available for the “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘out’)” error in Blazor WebAssembly?

While there are no official hotfixes, some developers have reported success with workarounds such as clearing the browser’s local storage, disabling JavaScript minification, or adding try-catch blocks around the problematic code. However, these workarounds might not address the root cause of the error and should be used with caution. It’s essential to identify and fix the underlying issue to ensure a stable and maintainable application.