Django-auditlog Change List Customization in Django Admin: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Django-auditlog Change List Customization in Django Admin: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a Django developer, you know how crucial it is to keep track of changes made to your models. Django-auditlog is an excellent tool for logging changes, but what if you want to customize the change list view in Django admin? In this article, we’ll take you through a step-by-step guide on how to do just that.

What is Django-auditlog?

Django-auditlog is a third-party package that allows you to log changes made to your models. It provides a simple way to keep track of who changed what, when, and why. With django-auditlog, you can easily audit changes to your models, including creating, updating, and deleting instances.

Why Customize the Change List View?

The default change list view in Django admin is functional, but it can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with complex models. By customizing the change list view, you can:

  • Hide or show specific fields
  • Reorder fields to prioritize important information
  • Apply custom filtering and sorting
  • Enhance the overall user experience

Step 1: Install Django-auditlog

(Assuming you have Django installed.) If you haven’t already, install django-auditlog using pip:

pip install django-auditlog

Add ‘auditlog’ to your INSTALLED_APPS in

    # ...
    # ...

Run the following command to create the necessary tables:

python migrate

Step 2: Configure Django-auditlog

In, add the following configuration:

AUDITLOG_INCLUDE_EXCLUDE = ['tests']  # Exclude logging for test cases
AUDITLOG_ADMIN = True  # Enable auditlog in Django admin

This configuration tells django-auditlog to log changes for all models, excluding test cases, and enables auditlog in Django admin.

Step 3: Create a Custom Change List View

In your app’s, create a custom change list view:

from django.contrib import admin
from auditlog.admin import AuditlogInline
from .models import MyModel

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name', 'created_at', 'modified_at')
    inlines = [AuditlogInline], MyModelAdmin)

In this example, we’re defining a custom change list view for the MyModel model. We’re specifying the fields to display in the list view and including the AuditlogInline.

Step 4: Customize the Change List View

Now, let’s customize the change list view. We’ll add a custom column to display the username of the user who made the change:

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name', 'created_at', 'modified_at', 'changed_by')
    inlines = [AuditlogInline]

    def changed_by(self, obj):
        latest_log = obj.auditlog_entries.latest('stamp')
        return latest_log.user.username if latest_log else None

In this example, we’re adding a custom column called ‘changed_by’. We’re using the auditlog_entries attribute to get the latest log entry for the object and returning the username of the user who made the change.

Step 5: Apply Custom Filtering and Sorting

Let’s apply custom filtering and sorting to the change list view. We’ll add a filter to show only changes made by a specific user:

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ('id', 'name', 'created_at', 'modified_at', 'changed_by')
    list_filter = ['changed_by']
    inlines = [AuditlogInline]

    def changed_by(self, obj):
        latest_log = obj.auditlog_entries.latest('stamp')
        return latest_log.user.username if latest_log else None

We’re adding a list_filter to the change list view, which allows us to filter by the ‘changed_by’ column.

Step 6: Enhance the User Experience

Finally, let’s enhance the user experience by adding some CSS to make the change list view more readable:

  .auditlog-inline {
    padding: 10px;

Add this CSS to your admin template to add some padding to the auditlog inline.


In this article, we’ve shown you how to customize the change list view in Django admin using django-auditlog. By following these steps, you can create a more intuitive and user-friendly change list view that meets your specific needs. Remember to experiment and adapt these examples to fit your project’s requirements.

Keyword Description
Django-auditlog Django package for logging changes to models
Change List View View in Django admin that displays a list of changes made to models
AuditlogInline Inline class in django-auditlog that displays log entries for an object

By following this guide, you’ll be able to create a customized change list view that meets your project’s requirements, making it easier to track changes and maintain data integrity.

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Django Auditlog change list customization in Django admin!

How do I customize the change list view in Django Auditlog to display specific fields?

You can customize the change list view in Django Auditlog by defining a `change_list_template` attribute on your `AuditlogHistoryAdmin` class. This attribute should point to a custom template that extends the base `change_list.html` template. In this template, you can customize the fields displayed in the change list table by overriding the `result_list` block.

Can I filter the change list view in Django Auditlog based on specific criteria?

Yes, you can filter the change list view in Django Auditlog by defining a `list_filter` attribute on your `AuditlogHistoryAdmin` class. This attribute should be a tuple of field names or filter classes that define the filters to be applied to the change list. For example, you can filter by `created_at` date range or by specific `instance` types.

How do I add custom actions to the change list view in Django Auditlog?

You can add custom actions to the change list view in Django Auditlog by defining an `actions` attribute on your `AuditlogHistoryAdmin` class. This attribute should be a list of functions that define the custom actions to be displayed in the change list view. Each action function should return a dictionary with a `label` key and a `url` key that points to the action’s URL.

Can I customize the appearance of the change list view in Django Auditlog using CSS?

Yes, you can customize the appearance of the change list view in Django Auditlog using CSS. You can define custom CSS styles in your Django app’s static CSS files or in the `media` attribute of your `AuditlogHistoryAdmin` class. You can also override the base `change_list.html` template to add custom CSS classes or styles to the change list table.

How do I paginate the change list view in Django Auditlog to improve performance?

You can paginate the change list view in Django Auditlog by setting the `list_per_page` attribute on your `AuditlogHistoryAdmin` class. This attribute controls the number of items displayed per page in the change list view. You can also define a custom pagination template by setting the `pagination_template` attribute.