Unlocking the Power of Web Scraping: Extracting Data from UniProt using R
Image by Adones - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Web Scraping: Extracting Data from UniProt using R

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Web scraping is a powerful technique for extracting valuable data from websites, and UniProt is one of the most comprehensive and widely used protein databases in the world. In this article, we’ll take you on a step-by-step journey to web scrape from UniProt using R, a popular programming language for data analysis. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to extract and analyze protein data like a pro!

What is UniProt?

UniProt is a comprehensive database of protein sequence and functional information. It’s a treasure trove of data for scientists, researchers, and bioinformaticians, providing access to a vast repository of protein sequences, structures, and functions. UniProt contains over 150 million protein sequences, making it an indispensable resource for anyone working with proteins.

Why Web Scrape from UniProt?

While UniProt provides a user-friendly interface for searching and retrieving protein data, web scraping offers a more efficient and scalable way to extract large amounts of data. By web scraping from UniProt, you can:

  • Automate the data extraction process, saving time and effort
  • Retrieve large datasets that would be impractical to collect manually
  • Integrate UniProt data with other platforms or tools for advanced analysis
  • Create custom datasets for machine learning, data visualization, or other applications

Setting up R for Web Scraping

Before we dive into web scraping, make sure you have the following tools installed:

  • RStudio (a popular IDE for R)
  • The xml2 package for parsing HTML pages
  • The rvest package for web scraping
  • The UniProtAPI package for interacting with UniProt’s API (optional)

Understanding UniProt’s Page Structure

UniProt’s website is built using HTML, which is a markup language used to structure content on the web. To web scrape from UniProt, we need to understand the structure of their pages. Let’s take a look at a sample UniProt page:

    <div id="content">
      <div id="protein_info">
        <h2>Protein Information</h2>
            <th>Accession Number</th>
            <th>Protein Name</th>
            <td>Protein ABC</td>

In this example, we have a page with a single protein entry. The protein information is contained within a <div> element with the id “protein_info”, which contains a table with several rows. Each row represents a specific piece of information about the protein, such as the accession number or protein name.

Web Scraping from UniProt using R

Now that we understand the structure of UniProt’s pages, let’s write some R code to extract protein data. We’ll use the rvest package to send an HTTP request to UniProt and parse the HTML response.


url <- "https://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/P12345"
page <- read_html(url)

In this example, we’re using the read_html() function to send an HTTP request to UniProt and retrieve the HTML page for the protein with accession number P12345.

Extracting Protein Information

Next, we’ll use the html_nodes() function to extract the protein information from the page. We’ll specify the CSS selector for the <div> element with the id “protein_info”.

protein_info <- page %>%
  html_nodes("#protein_info") %>%

The html_table() function converts the HTML table into a data frame, which we can then manipulate and analyze.

Extracting Specific Columns

Let’s say we’re interested in extracting the protein name and accession number. We can use the dplyr package to select the columns we need.


protein_info <- protein_info %>%
  select(Accession_Number = `Accession Number`, Protein_Name = `Protein Name`)

The resulting data frame will contain only the two columns we specified, with the column names updated to make them more readable.

Using UniProt’s API for Larger Datasets

While web scraping is a great way to extract small to medium-sized datasets, UniProt’s API is a more robust and scalable solution for larger datasets. The UniProt API provides a programmatic interface for accessing UniProt data, allowing you to retrieve large datasets in a more efficient and reliable manner.

Let’s use the UniProtAPI package to retrieve a list of proteins with a specific keyword.


keyword <- "protein ABC"
proteins <- uniProtSearch(keyword = keyword)

protein_data <- proteins %>%

In this example, we’re using the uniProtSearch() function to search for proteins with the keyword “protein ABC”, and then retrieving the corresponding entries using the uniProtGetEntries() function. The resulting data frame will contain the protein data, which we can then analyze and visualize.


In this article, we’ve covered the basics of web scraping from UniProt using R. We’ve demonstrated how to extract protein data from UniProt’s website using the rvest package, and how to use UniProt’s API for larger datasets. With these skills, you’re ready to unlock the power of web scraping and extract valuable protein data from UniProt.

Remember to always check UniProt’s terms of use and robots.txt file before web scraping, and to respect their website and servers.

Further Reading

For more advanced web scraping techniques and best practices, check out the following resources:

  • Hadley Wickham’s “Web Scraping with R” tutorial
  • The “rvest” package documentation
  • UniProt’s API documentation

Happy web scraping!

Keyword Description
Web scraping A technique for extracting data from websites
UniProt A comprehensive database of protein sequence and functional information
R A popular programming language for data analysis
rvest A package for web scraping in R
UniProtAPI A package for interacting with UniProt’s API in R

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to extract valuable data from Uniprot using R! If you’re new to web scraping, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get started.

What is web scraping, and how does it apply to Uniprot?

Web scraping is the process of automatically extracting data from websites, and Uniprot is a goldmine of protein sequence and annotation data! Using R, you can programmatically extract specific data from Uniprot, such as protein sequences, gene ontology terms, or protein-protein interactions, and store it in a format that’s easy to analyze and visualize.

What R packages are commonly used for web scraping Uniprot data?

The most popular R packages for web scraping Uniprot data are `rentrez` and `biomart`. `rentrez` provides an interface to the NCBI’s E-utilities, allowing you to query and retrieve data from Uniprot and other databases. `biomart` is a package specifically designed for querying and retrieving data from biomart databases, including Uniprot. Both packages provide a convenient way to retrieve data from Uniprot and perform downstream analysis.

How do I specify the query parameters for my Uniprot data extraction?

You can specify query parameters using the `search` function in `rentrez` or `biomart`. For example, you can use keywords, accession numbers, or protein names to retrieve specific data from Uniprot. You can also use filters to narrow down your search results, such as specifying a specific organism or protein family. The `rentrez` and `biomart` documentation provide detailed examples and guidance on crafting effective queries.

How do I handle errors and timeouts when web scraping Uniprot data?

Error handling is crucial when web scraping! When working with `rentrez` and `biomart`, be sure to use try-catch blocks to catch and handle errors, such as timeouts or query failures. You can also set timeouts and retries to ensure that your script doesn’t get stuck in an infinite loop. Additionally, it’s a good idea to implement rate limiting to avoid overwhelming the Uniprot servers and getting blocked. By being proactive about error handling, you can ensure a smooth and successful web scraping experience.

Can I use web scraping to extract data from Uniprot for commercial purposes?

Before scraping Uniprot data for commercial purposes, make sure to review their terms of use and licensing agreements. While Uniprot provides open access to their data, there may be restrictions on commercial use or redistribution. Be sure to understand the terms and conditions and obtain any necessary permissions or licenses before proceeding. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

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