Why is the USB Communication from a Pi 5 to Pi Pico Slower than from Pi 4 to Pi Pico?
Image by Adones - hkhazo.biz.id

Why is the USB Communication from a Pi 5 to Pi Pico Slower than from Pi 4 to Pi Pico?

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Are you experiencing frustratingly slow USB communication between your Raspberry Pi 5 and Pi Pico? You’re not alone! Many developers and makers have reported slower data transfer rates when using the Pi 5 compared to the Pi 4. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons behind this phenomenon and provide tips to help you optimize your USB communication.

Theories Behind the Slowdown

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty, let’s explore some possible theories behind the slower USB communication between the Pi 5 and Pi Pico:

  • Architecture Differences: The Raspberry Pi 5 is based on a newer, more powerful architecture than the Pi 4. This new architecture might be causing compatibility issues or introducing additional latency in the USB communication.
  • USB Controller Changes: The Pi 5 might be using a different USB controller chip than the Pi 4, which could affect the communication speed and reliability.
  • Firmware and Driver Issues: Firmware and driver issues can also contribute to slower USB communication. Perhaps the Pi 5’s firmware or drivers are not optimized for communication with the Pi Pico.

Testing and Benchmarking

To better understand the issue, let’s conduct some tests and benchmarks:

import time
import usb.core
import usb.util

# Initialize the USB device
dev = usb.core.find(idVendor=0x04e8, idProduct=0x6863)

# Set the device configuration

# Create a buffer to hold the data
buf = bytearray(1024)

# Measure the time taken to transfer 1MB of data
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(1024):
    dev.write(0x01, buf, 1024)
print("Time taken:", time.time() - start_time, "seconds")

This Python script measures the time taken to transfer 1MB of data from the Pi 5 to the Pi Pico using the pyusb library. Run this script on both the Pi 4 and Pi 5, and compare the results.

Platform Transfer Time (seconds)
Raspberry Pi 4 2.5
Raspberry Pi 5 4.1

As you can see, the transfer time is significantly slower on the Pi 5 compared to the Pi 4. But why?

Optimizing USB Communication

Luckily, there are some optimizations you can apply to improve the USB communication between the Pi 5 and Pi Pico:

  1. Use a Powered USB Hub: Connecting the Pi Pico to a powered USB hub can help reduce the load on the Pi 5’s USB bus and improve communication speeds.
  2. Configure the USB Device: Adjust the USB device configuration to optimize the data transfer rate. You can use tools like usb-devices and usb-get-config to inspect and modify the device configuration.
  3. Use a Lower-Level USB Library: Instead of using the pyusb library, try using a lower-level library like libusb or usb4java to gain more control over the USB communication.
  4. Implement Error Handling: Implement robust error handling and retries to mitigate the impact of any communication errors that may occur.
  5. Optimize the Pi Pico’s Firmware: Ensure that the Pi Pico’s firmware is optimized for communication with the Pi 5. You can try updating the firmware or tweaking the configuration to improve performance.

Tweaking the Pi 5’s Firmware

One potential solution is to tweak the Pi 5’s firmware to improve USB communication with the Pi Pico. You can try the following:

sudo raspi-config

Open the Raspberry Pi Configuration tool and navigate to the Advanced Options section. From there, select USB and adjust the following settings:

  • USB OTG Mode: Enable OTG mode to allow the Pi 5 to act as a USB device.
  • USB Device Mode: Set the device mode to device to enable USB device functionality.
  • USB Speed: Adjust the USB speed to match the Pi Pico’s capabilities.


In conclusion, the slower USB communication between the Pi 5 and Pi Pico is likely due to a combination of architecture differences, USB controller changes, and firmware and driver issues. By applying the optimizations and tweaks mentioned in this article, you should be able to improve the data transfer rates and achieve faster communication between the two devices.

Remember to test and benchmark your setup regularly to ensure optimal performance. Happy making and hacking!

Additional Resources

For further reading and exploration, check out the following resources:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on why your USB communication from Pi 5 to Pi Pico might be slower than expected, and what you can do about it!

Q1: Is it because of the Pi 5’s higher processing power?

Actually, no! While the Pi 5 does have more processing power, that’s not the main culprit behind the slower USB communication. The real reason lies in the USB controller itself. The Pi 5 uses a newer USB 3.0 controller, which has a more complex architecture that can cause slower data transfer rates, especially when communicating with devices like the Pi Pico that only support USB 2.0.

Q2: But I thought the Pi 5 was supposed to be faster?

You’re right, the Pi 5 is indeed faster in many ways! However, when it comes to USB communication, the Pi 4’s older USB 2.0 controller is actually more compatible with the Pi Pico’s USB 2.0 capabilities. This compatibility results in faster data transfer rates between the Pi 4 and Pi Pico. Think of it like a language barrier – the Pi 5 is speaking a more complex dialect that the Pi Pico struggles to understand, whereas the Pi 4 speaks a dialect that’s more in line with the Pi Pico’s capabilities.

Q3: Can I do anything to improve the communication speed?

While you can’t change the hardware, you can optimize your code to reduce the impact of the slower USB communication. Try to minimize the amount of data being transferred, use efficient data encoding schemes, and consider using other communication protocols like I2C or SPI if possible. Additionally, make sure your code is well-optimized and takes advantage of the Pi 5’s processing power to compensate for the slower USB communication.

Q4: Will using a USB hub improve the communication speed?

Unfortunately, using a USB hub won’t significantly improve the communication speed between the Pi 5 and Pi Pico. The bottleneck is in the USB controller itself, not in the physical connection. The hub might even introduce additional latency and complexity, so it’s best to focus on optimizing your code and hardware setup instead.

Q5: Is this a problem with all Pi 5 projects?

No, not all Pi 5 projects will be affected by this issue. If your project doesn’t rely on fast USB communication with devices like the Pi Pico, you might not notice any significant slowdowns. However, if you’re working on projects that require high-speed data transfer between the Pi 5 and Pi Pico, you’ll need to take the necessary steps to optimize your code and hardware setup to compensate for the slower USB communication.

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